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Our Company

The company was founded following an identification that the traditional approach to removing toxic and flammable oil sludges from storage tanks was largely a manual and extremely hazardous task.

In short, operatives wearing fully enclosed protective suits and breathing apparatus were still being asked to use shovels, brooms, and hoses to remove sludge from tanks. Given that a crude oil storage tank may well contain 1,000 tes of sludge and consist of a 1 m deep layer across the tank bottom, it is clear that this hazardous, lengthy, and arduous task is not in fact one that humans are well adapted to carry out. Health & Safety statistics bear out the fact that the number of confined space deaths within industry remains stubbornly resistant to efforts to reduce it. Robotic sludge removal isolates the human from the hazard, representing a particularly effective way to tackle this problem.

One of Re-Gen Robotics’ goals is to demonstrate a safer, smarter, and faster approach is possible. Through this thinking, our purpose evolved as “Engineering solutions for better working environments”.

Thus Re-Gen Robotics set about “Revolutionising safety in oil storage tank cleaning” becoming the first provider of Zone 0, (Class1 Div1) Ex-certified robotic tank cleaning technology in the UK. Today we operate throughout UK and Europe, providing solutions for all types of storage tank cleaning.


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Our Vision & Values

Our Company Values


We uphold the highest standards of honesty, maintaining integrity in our decisions and interactions.


We maintain a positive attitude and approachability, to foster open communication and collaboration.


By embracing innovation, we continuously seek new solutions and we demonstrate determination to overcome challenges.


We are dedicated to consistently delivering high standards, earning trust through reliability and dependability.


With a commitment to ethical behaviour, we always strive to do what is right, ensuring our actions align with our values.

The Re-Gen Group

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The Re-Gen Group is a second-generation, family-owned and operated group of companies.

Since the early 1970s, each of the companies within the Group has progressively forged a leading position within its respective industry.

Engineering being part of the DNA of the founding members, a desire to innovate and improve through technological advancements continues to be a key to the company’s success.

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Re-Gen Robotics

A specialist provider of robotic tank cleaning services to the refining and oil storage industry across the UK and Europe. 

Doherty Developments

The Construction & Property Development arm of the Group is responsible for the management of approximately £150m of award winning Housing developments. Its activities encompass Land Purchase, Concept Design & Planning, actual Construction & End Sales.

Re-Gen Waste

Founded by Re-Gen Robotics’ current MD Aidan Doherty and his two brothers Colin and Joseph, runs one of the UK and Europe’s most advanced material recovery facilities, processing mixed dry recyclables (MDR) i.e. ‘blue bin’ waste.

Re-Gen WTE

Re-Gen WTE processes residual waste for conversion to Refuse Derived Fuels (RDF) and Solid Recovered Fuels (SRF).


Our inhouse engineering service, provides a range of steel manufacturing services to the Group.

Connex Offsite

A leading manufacturer of bespoke high spec. bathroom pods for the residential sector. Bathroom Pods are fully completed modular bathroom units, offering pods for all budgets from social housing projects to luxury hotels and apartments.


Versaffix manufactures a range of tiltrotator products for excavators, the first such manufacturer in the UK and Ireland. It thus serves the ever-changing construction industry where owners, operators and project managers are looking for highly efficient and safe ways of utilising the most used machine on site, the excavator.

Company policies

Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy
Environmental Policy Statement
Modern Slavery Policy
Occupational Health & Safety Policy Statement